Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My Favorite Place - 1124 Words

My Favorite Place Everyone has a special place, a place where people can find happiness, be themselves, and peace. This special place perhaps is a place where people have a dream to go for a vacation, honeymoon, or relax. A tense of mind in life force people to think about the place that they can truly relax. In many people’s lives, a travel is the best option for relaxation. Specially, middle class people who live in the bay area and be under high pressure of work, perhaps they need to have a vacation for relaxation at leisure. Sometime people cannot afford the luxury vacation such as going to cruise around Atlanta, eating fresh seafood in Japan, or enjoying the beauty of nature in Shangri-La Resort Skardu. The best vacation that I had†¦show more content†¦Prices were also relatively comfortable range from around one millions vietnam dollar per two pounds. In order words, I only spent for fifty US dollars for a perfect â€Å"Ha Long Lobster†. It had many kind of Lobsters such as Lobster roasted salted, Steamed Lobster, Lobster salad, and Lobster porridge. I cannot wait to go back and try its all again. People can enjoy the unique of its nature in Vinh Ha Long City. There were many beautiful cave that people cannot find it else where in the world. The most beautiful cave was â€Å"Tam Cung† cave. It located at the center in Ha Long Bay. People was hardly cannot see it. When I go to center of Ha Long, The Tam Cung cave attacked my eyes right away. Tam Cung cave had a stone shapes which created a natural life. It had three compartment. In the first compartment, I soundly stopped walking somewhere quite to hear echoes of sound of flute. From the first compartment to the second compartment through a small crack of the door, I was walking bumpy, I could see this place was as a living natural museum, which was a stone lions, seals, and the water of god made by stone. In the middle of the third compartment was a first stream of fresh wate r flowing forever. The two walls were the stone curtain that slender drooping from the ceiling which looked all the curtain stone were shaking. In the Tam Cung cave, I could see the magnificent carving which liked flowers, the naturalShow MoreRelatedMy Favorite Place At California1267 Words   |  6 Pagesone place that actually fits my personality well.. Warm weather just makes everything better. The clothes are better, the food and snacks are better,it puts you in the best mood. Everything is just perfect. In California you can always wear shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, it doesn’t matter the season. You don’t have to worry about being cold because it is not near as cold as Kansas can get. I love everything having to do with warm weather and beaches. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Role Of Service For Service Delivery - 1165 Words

1. Introduction In golden age of classical economy, William Baumol, an American economist described services as â€Å"cost disease† (Baumol, 1991) because at that time, service industry with low profit margin was seen as abstract performing art which heavily rely on human interaction. As time goes by, service industry is continuously growing and flourishing, people start to recognize the importance of service. Employees’ and customers’ roles in service delivery also become the center of management concern. The paper concentrates on analysing service delivery, in particular, employees’ and customers’ roles in Telstra and provides precise solutions for the company. 1.1. Company Overview Telstra was a public company originally founded by Commonwealth Government in 1901. Now, the company is fully privatized and managed by its current CEO, David Thodey. (Wiki, 2014) Telstra is Australia’s foremost telecommunications and information services company, offering various telecommunication products and services across fixed line and mobile telephony, internet protocol network and pay television to individuals, businesses, government organizations and communities in Australia and internationally.(Bloomberg, 2014) In 2013, Telstra s got the highest revenue in the telecommunication market which was $25.5 billion(Telstra, 2014), in comparison, Optus was $8.9 billion (Growing EBITDA while transforming the business, 2013) and Vodafone s was $1.7 billion (Taylor, J, 2013). Telstra setShow MoreRelatedExplain How Own Role Fits Within the Delivery of the Service Provider5534 Words   |  23 Pagesemployment laws, fill in the information in the table below Title of Law | Key Features | Reasons why the law exists | Disability Act | It now gives disabled people rights in the areas of: *employment *education *access to goods, facilities and services *buying or renting land or property, including making it easier for disabled people to rent property and for tenants to make disability-related adaptations | aims to end the discrimination that many disabled people face.~ The Disability DiscriminationRead MoreThe Collaborative Work That Has Been Done For Complete The Business Scenario And Presentation1613 Words   |  7 Pageschoose transportation sector. We have created a business and a presentation showing how this business will work. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

People money markets Free Essays

After a few years of using the fiat system, the country of Monolayer decides to review Its monetary Institutions. Its economy has been quite volatile. Inflation has been high and the currency has depreciated. We will write a custom essay sample on People money markets or any similar topic only for you Order Now All this has caused foreign investment to drop dramatically. Currently, its central bankers are elected every two years. The country is considering a gold standard versus an independent central bank. What’s the best way to go? Why? Answer: Monoplane’s should consider Independent central bank over the gold standard. In the long run, the Independent central bank will be most suitable for a country with a volatile economy. It has certain advantages over the gold standard. Individuals have more certainty in the Central Bank; thus this serves to decrease Inflationary expectations. This makes Inflation low and steady. Another reason to keep Central banks independent from government In that governments have a tendency to settle on poor choices about fiscal strategy. Specifically when there is a tendency to be impacted by political contemplations. Therefore, when central bank Is independent such ulterior motives of government officials have no Impact on a country’s economic state. Typically before elections, governments are enticed to cut interest rates. This expands investment development, diminishes unemployment and increments the political back of the gathering. On the other hand, this expansionary monetary policy might prompt inflation and blast and bust economic cycles. Therefore, It Is better to take financial approach out of government’s hand so they are not able to play with a counters economy for their arsenal gains. Another reason to choose Independent central bank over gold standard is that gold standard limits the economic growth. Therefore, the country should continue to have fiat system with Independent central bank. Q. You’re running the central bank off country called Cazenovia. The central bank that you lead is not Independent. So whenever the Prime Minister calls you to suggest that something be done, you obey. The Prime Minister calls you one day complaining that the currency is too high. Apparently, exporters are concerned that Scandinavia high currency rate is making them lose business abroad. What could you do as a central banker to get the currency to decline? Answer: As a banker, there are several possibilities to cause the currency value to depreciate and still keep the economy strong. Interest rates and currency exchange rates are correlated. To get the currency of Conclave to decline, it is required by the central bank to decrease lending rates. Another way Is to devalue the currency. By making It cheaper for the outside world to buy our goods and services at a lesser value than for the holders of Convivial currency to purchase foreign goods and services. This will maintain the interest of foreign investors in our economy and they will pour more money into the economy. The exporters can keep make profits abroad. Furthermore, central banks can directly Increase the supply of money on the foreign exchange markets. It can 1 OFF This will increase the supply of Convivial money on the foreign exchange market, and decrease the supply of foreign currency, causing a depreciation in the value of the our currency. How to cite People money markets, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Acute Exacerbation of COPD Patients Free Sample for Students

Question: Discuss about the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Answer: Introduction COPD is a chronic condition that leads to the impairment of the respiratory system due to the destruction of the alveoli and inflammation of the airway. While it can be stable in its chronic state among patients, COPD exacerbations are life-threatening and therefore need stringent measures to manage. This study will focus on highlighting the pathophysiology of COPD and its exacerbation especially among long-term smokers. The discussion will also highlight the medical and nursing plans, patient education and the discharge plan of one case-Bill McDonald suffering from COPD exacerbations. Pathophysiology of COPD as Seen in the Patient Cigarette smokers who have a stable COPD usually experience a chronic inflammation in their entire tracheobronchial tree. This inflammation brings about an increase in macrophage and CD8 T lymphocyte numbers within the walls of the airway, including neutrophils in the lumen of the airway (Sallis, 2016). Prolonged smoking which causes COPD brings about the destruction of a patients lung parenchyma cells which line the alveoli. The alveoli walls thus lose elasticity and get damaged. While a healthy airway and/or air sacs are made of elastic contracting and relaxing muscles to enable breathing, inflamed and further obstructed airways for the case of COPD patients, leads to a lower respiratory rate and tidal volume (Turan et al, 2013). This impact on the patients ventilation-perfusion ratio resulting to impaired ventilation. The air which is trapped within the large spaces in the altered alveoli walls inhibits lung deflation leading to an impaired gaseous exchange across the alveoli. On the other hand, ineffective airway clearance which results from airway inflammation and poor lung deflation forms part of the chronic symptoms of the disease. Obstruction bronchitis is one of the major sub-conditions in COPD. It is characterized by bronchi and bronchiole inflammation (Nguyen et al, 2015). The inflammation in the airway also leads to mucus gland hyperplasia and increase in phlegm and mucus produced by the goblet cells. Excessive phlegm and mucus damages the cilia in the airway and even further blocking the patients respiratory linings. In acute cases also described as exacerbation of COPD, the patients experiencing worsened chronic inflammation of their airways as a result of air pollutants and viral and/or bacterial infections (World Health Organization, 2013). During these exacerbations, patients inflammatory cellular pattern undergoes changes including an increase in eosinophils and neutrophil numbers. Other inflammatory mediators also increase in numbers; cytokines particularly the tumor necrosis factor-, chemokines like CXCL8; different chemokine receptors like CCR3 and/or CXCR2; E-selectin and/or ICAM-1adhesion molecules; oxidative stress markers among others(Sallis, 2016). The worsening state of airway inflammation is thus responsible for the extensive deterioration of the functioning of the lungs of patients and their poorer clinical status in times of exacerbations. Therefore, exacerbation of COPD which is the acute status of the disease is an event within its natural course which presents with changes in a patients normal chronic cough, sputum and/or dyspnea (Turan et al, 2013). This change in the disease pattern brings about the need for change in its management. Management Plans for Acute COPD Exacerbation Nursing Plan The nursing plan for acute COPD exacerbation concentrates on the management of the following causative factors of the worsening disease pattern; primary defenses that are inadequate due to decreased ciliary action and malnutrition; imbalance in oxygen supply in the tissues and the demanded amount leading to immobility and; clogged airways(Hillegass et al, 2017). In regard to managing primary defenses that are inadequate due to decreased ciliary action and malnutrition, a nurse needs to understand the risk factors, the intervention to reduce the risks and illustrate the necessary changes in the lifestyle of the patient (Vestbo et al, 2013). The nurse will monitor the patient temperature to ensure that it remains within the right range as the infection can lead to serious fever. The nurse should advice on nutrition and let the patient be provided with a proper diet (Nguyen et al, 2015) since exacerbations result to increased metabolic rate. The nurse should also advice the patient to r educe the smoking rate and prolonged smoking which flares up COPD. In regard to managing the imbalance particularly between oxygen supply within the tissues and its demanded amount which leads immobility a nurse should aim at improving patient mobility and their tolerance to exercises (Bradley Curry, 2013). The patient should then be put on pulmonary rehabilitation while being encouraged to change to a healthy lifestyle involving diet monitoring behavior. These interventions should thus result in nutritional balance and normal levels of both arterial CO2 and O2. Medical Management There is need for to medically manage the clogging of the airways among patients with acute exacerbation of COPD as a result of excessive mucus production. The medication plan here includes relieving the symptoms of the acute exacerbation of COPD and preventing further complications. The nursing intervention thus includes administering oral prednisone, ipratropium and also salbutamol medicine using nebulizers in order to improve the breathing rate and ease of the patients (Sallis, 2016). While the oral prednisone medicine acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, both ipratropium and salbutamol form a good combination of bronchodilators which improve the mucous clearance rate. They also improve the smooth muscle dilation and thus facilitating an improved breathing among patients. The medications above if administered among acute exacerbation COPD patients lead to an improved ability to exercise and also contribute to a better quality of life. In particular, oral prednisone blocks eosinophilic inflammatory markers at the airway, including the serum C-reactive protein leading to a decrease in the inflammation of the airway so as to reduce dyspnea. Oral prednisone should be administered to the patient in amounts ranging between 40mg and 100mg in each 6 hour period (Vestbo et al, 2013). It is an important oral corticosteroid that decreases inflammation of the airways while speeding up the recovery rate. On the other hand Ipratropium Bromide and/or salbutamol nebulizers have an inhalation solution which comprise of ipratropium bromide and Salbutamol combination. The 65 year Bill McDonald should be given an adult dose of 3Ml vial through nebulization four times each day including an allowance of 2 additional doses of 3Ml of the vial each day (Bolton et al, 2013). The patient should however be monitored for side effects including general body aches, congestion of the ears, and even chills due to hypersensitivity. Oral amoxicilli n can be given to the patient as a first-line antibiotic (500mg tablet) given 3 times a day (Vestbo et al, 2013). All the oral antibiotics need to be administered to the patient in between 5 and 10 days. More importantly, bacterial infection signs such as flu and/or pneumonia must be monitored for management. Home Care Considerations for Acute Exacerbation of COPD Patients There are different factors that need to be considered particularly in regard to home care for patients that need to be discharged from hospitalized care for acute exacerbation of COPD. One of the factors includes the availability of necessary equipment to enhance further management of the disease, including a seamless transfer of care from hospital to the home (Sallis, 2016). As explained, this particular equipment has been already availed for Bill McDonalds use. However, the hospital nurse should consider and asses its appropriateness. Secondly, there is need to consider the ability of homecare agents, community and family to recognize exacerbation early signs in the patient, the ease and plan to call for a doctor in case of unmanageable patient situation(Bradley Curry, 2013). It is also important to understand whether the disease management coordinator has educated the family and the patient sufficiently on self-monitoring and self-management approaches before discharge. Another important consideration before discharging the patient includes the possibility or convenience for home visits by medical doctors to follow up on the patient treatment. Studies indicate that there is need to consider the possibility and capability of a patient engaging in active lifestyle which can support both their physical and mental health, airway clearance, and even enables an early detection of exacerbation of COPD for rapid response (Bolton et al, 2013). Further, there is need to consider the patients capability to adhere to medication, proper diet and smoking cessation plan while under homecare before discharging them. Usually adherence to medication is influenced by a patients perception of the effectiveness of the medication, and their individual depression moods, apart from demographic factors and the severity of the disease (Sallis, 2016). Appropriate dietary needs must be available for patients in homecare facilities so as to fasten healing and stabilization of COPD patients though physical exercises. Support Resources in the Community Learning Needs on Disease Process and Discharge Plan Among the support resources available to Bill McDonald in the community include the oxygen equipment and the community homecare nurse who can facilitate the availability of other resources. These can include indoor and outdoor platforms for physical exercises such as flat walking, body stretching, aerobics, and resistance exercises. According the British Thoracic Society there is need, to have resources for moderate intensity aerobic trainings in homes for COPD patients (Sallis, 2016). They should strive to achieve a 60% of the peak work rate within a 30-60 minute session. They also need to have resistance trainings to enhance the functioning of the major muscles at least each in every 48 hour interval. Proper diet and education materials on smoking cessation and self-management of COPD also form the most imperative tools for COPD patients (Nguyen et al, 2015). The community nurse as a resource can aid in educating the patient to monitor their own treatment process, assess and monito r their oxygen needs for both home and activity sessions while by extension addressing their psychosocial concerns and co-morbidity. In regard to learning needs a COPD patient like Bill McDonald requires education on; medication adherence, mobility, home oxygen titration, the use of pursed-lip breathing approach, airway clearance, smoking cessation approaches, avoidance means of exposure to any perfumes, dust, chemicals which trigger the exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease among patients(Sallis, 2016). These learning needs are appropriate in regard to management and are important during patient discharge from hospitalized care. Knowing well that patients forget up to a whole 80% of the content they are taught after a hospital visit, a target of at least 50% retention of the teachings can be important for Bill. There is need to use the Teach Back approach which includes 5 major steps (Khdour et al, 2012); 1. Sharing the information on the above learning needs; 2 asking the patient to repeat the teachings; 3 listening to the information they have retained from the teachings; 4 sharing again the cru cial teachings on the identified learning needs and further; 5 asking again what the patient has picked from the teachings for clarifications. In particular the patient should first be taught on how to use both the metered dose inhaler (MDI) and/or the spacer in the administration of bronchodilators. Secondly the patient needs to be taught to stop smoking and that it is major cause of their chronic obstructive pulmonary disease status. The patient needs to be taught the pathophysiology of the disease and ways of preventing airway and alveoli wall inflammations (Turan et al, 2013). Thirdly, the patient needs to have an explicit understanding of the early indicators of COPD deterioration which may need a medical review. The patient should be informed on monitoring indicators to ensure that any rapid changes in the disease pattern are reported to the home care nurse and/or doctor (Nguyen et al, 2015). Further, the patient needs education and training on the promotion of adequate nutritional intake so as to meet the bodys metabolic needs. Conclusion In conclusion therefore, while COPD is a chronic condition that can be stabilized, exacerbations are life-threatening and therefore need stringent measures to be prevented. The above discussion brings out the definition of COPD and its description as a chronic condition that however can be extremely acute when exacerbation occurs especially among long-term smokers. The discussion focuses on highlighting the medical and nursing plans, patient education and the discharge plan of one case-Bill McDonald suffering from COPD exacerbations. As recommended by different health institutions, patient education needs include exercise, care for self, and smoking cessation strategies among others. References Bolton CE, Bevan-Smith EF, Blakey JD, et al (2013). British Thoracic Society guideline on pulmonary rehabilitation in adults: accredited by NICE. Thorax.;68(Suppl2):ii1-ii Eisner MD, Blanc PD, Yelin EH, et al(2010). Influence of anxiety on health outcomes in COPD. Thorax. 65(3):229-234. Hartman JE, Boezen HM, Zuidema MJ, De Greef MHG, Ten Hacken NHT(2014). Physical activity recommendations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiration. ;88(2):92-100. Hillegass, E, Crouch R., Miller K.L (2017) Preventing re-admission with COPD: Transitioning from Acute to Home Care. Home Health Section of the American Physical Therapy Association: San Antonio. Khdour MR, Hawwa AF, Kidney JC, Smyth BM, McElnay JC (2012). Potential risk factors for medication non-adherence in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 68(10):1365-1373. Kim SM, Han HR. Evidence-based Strategies to Reduce Readmission in Patients With Heart Failure. Journal for Nurse Practitioners 9(4):224-232. Nguyen HQ, Rondinelli J, Harrington A, et al(2015). Functional status at discharge and 30-day readmission risk in COPD. Respir Med. 109(2):238-246. Sallis R.E.(2016). Call to action on making physical activity assessment and prescription a medical standard of care. Curr Sports Med Rep. Turan O, Yemez B, Itil O (2014). The effects of anxiety and depression symptoms on treatment adherence in COPD patients. Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2014;15(3): 244-251. Vestbo J, Hurd SS, Agust AG, et al (2013). Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: GOLD Executive Summary. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 187(4):347-365. World Health Organization (2013). How to use the ICF: A Practical Manual for Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Exposure Draft for Comment. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013. Web https://www.who.int/classifications/drafticfpracticalmanual2.pdf